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UNESCO Headquarters

Coordinates: 48°50′58″N 2°18′22″E / 48.84944°N 2.30611°E / 48.84944; 2.30611
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48°50′58″N 2°18′22″E / 48.84944°N 2.30611°E / 48.84944; 2.30611

The main UNESCO building as viewed from the Eiffel Tower

UNESCO Headquarters, or Maison de l'UNESCO, is a building inaugurated on 3 November 1958 at number 7 Place de Fontenoy in Paris, France, to serve as the headquarters for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is a building that can be visited freely.[1]



The design of the UNESCO Headquarters building was the combined work of three architects: Bernard Zehrfuss (France), Marcel Breuer (Hungary), and Pier Luigi Nervi (Italy). Plans were also validated by an international committee of five architects composed of Lúcio Costa (Brazil), Walter Gropius (Germany/United States), Le Corbusier (France), Sven Markelius (Sweden) and Ernesto Nathan Rogers (Italy), with the collaboration of Eero Saarinen (Finland).



The main building, which houses the secretariat, consists of seven floors forming a three-pointed star. To this is added a building called the "accordion" and a cubic building, which is intended for permanent delegations and non-governmental organisations.

These buildings occupy a trapezoidal area of land measuring 30,350 square metres (326,700 sq ft), cut in the northeast corner of the semi-circular shape of the Place de Fontenoy. It is bordered by avenues of Saxony, Segur de Suffren and Lowendal.

Relations with France


The land on which the building is built is the property of the French State. By a decree of 22 December 1952, it was assigned to the Foreign Ministry to put at the disposal of UNESCO.[2] This was done by a lease for a term of 99 years, renewable at a nominal rent (1000 francs per year), near the end of the lease. In addition, the residence of this intergovernmental organization on the French territory is governed by a headquarters agreement that defines its privileges and immunities. Both agreements were signed in Paris in 1954, respectively on 25 June and 25 July.[3][4]

The French Parliament approved the lease by a law enacted on 6 August 1955,[5] authorized the President of the Republic to ratify the Headquarters Agreement. The Headquarters Agreement entered into force on 23 November 1955. It was published by a decree of 11 January 1956.[6]

Panorama of Paris from the top of the World Heritage Centre

See also



  1. ^ Charlotte L Joy (15 January 2012). The Politics of Heritage Management in Mali: From UNESCO to Djenné. Left Coast Press. pp. 79–. ISBN 978-1-61132-094-7. Retrieved 22 August 2012.
  2. ^ Decree of 22 December 1952 on the allocation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of building lands located at the Place de Fontenoy, Paris, Official Journal of the French Republic (JORF), No. 306, p. 11, 24 December 1952, p. 11, 894 on Légifrance.
  3. ^ Salmon, Jean., Quelques remarques sur l'installation du siège de l'UNESCO à Paris, Annuaire français de droit international, Volume 4, pages 453–465, 1958.
  4. ^ Fischer, Georges., Organisation des Nations unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture : Accord relatif au siège, Annuaire français de droit international, Volume 1, pages 393-406, 1955.
  5. ^ Loi n°55-1071 du 6 août 1955 : 1 tendant à autoriser le président de la République à ratifier l'accord entre le Gouvernement de la République française et l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture relatif au siège de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture et ses privilèges et immunités sur le territoire français, signé à Paris, le 2 juillet 1954; 2 portant approbation du contrat de bail signé le 25 juin 1954 entre le Gouvernement de la République française et l'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture, relatif au terrain de la place de Fontenoy, à Paris (7e), affecté au ministère des affaires étrangères par décret du 22 décembre 1952, JORF n°190 du 12 août 1955, p. 8106, on Légifrance.
  6. ^ Décret n°56-42 du 11 janvier 1956 portant publication de l'accord entre la République française et l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture, relatif au siège de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture et à ses privilèges et immunités sur le territoire français, signé à Paris le 2 juillet 1954, JORF n°13 du 17 janvier 1956, p.625–628.

